Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008

Portal:Biology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Welcome to the biology portal. Biology, from the Greek words bios (life) and the suffix -ology, meaning study of, is a branch of science. It is concerned with the characteristics and behaviors of organisms, how species and individuals come into existence, and the interactions they have with each other and with their environment. Biology encompasses a broad spectrum of academic fields that are often viewed as independent disciplines. Together, they study life over a wide range of scales.

Blue has been chosen as the colour for this portal to emphasise that life on Earth relies on the unique chemistry of water. A photo of Darlingtonia californica, the cobra lily, was chosen as the portal icon because of this species' dependency on a humid habitat, as well as illustrating both autotrophy (in this case, photosynthesis) and carnivory. Finally, it superficially resembles young shoots, with their tips curved in, symbolising growth, a feature of all life.

mY LuVeLy cLaSs

Nda' CkKaRNg D' zmP19
nX' sEsaDH

d'cNa q_bNyX' cTeMu oRaNg
[(Pk' DaRwIn)]
[(Bu' Mis)]
[(Px' ZaInAll)]
I LuPh u aLL

Sabtu, 20 September 2008

AbOuT KaZuHaru

mY NaMe iS nAnDa
I'M A StUDEnT Of jHs NuMbEr19
AnD I'M In tHe ThIrD ClAsS nOw oR sEsAdh
do YOu kNoW mE .?
oK....lEt mE inTrOdUcE aBoUt mY SeLf
............I Am.............

lIkE To tAlKiNG
dOn't EvEr bE SHY
lIke CoMiC VeRy MuCh

LiKE ShOpPiNg VeRy mUcH
liKe eNgLiSh lEsSoN
LoVe fRiEnDsHiP
WaNt tO KnOw MoRe.....
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NaMa_Qu NanDa
Aq LahIr D’ pAlEmbAnG,1 jAn 1995
Q hUbBY bcA’n BlI cOmIC
aDd Me TO yoUR Link....

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I LuV mY bEsT FrIeNd
I LuV aNyBoDy ThAt LovE mE TOo